Friday, October 23, 2009

Ronan Farrow Appointed as NGO Liaison to Pakistan

Son of celebrity parents Mia Farrow and Woody Allen, Ronan Farrow chose to take a different path as a human rights activist and freelance journalist. Only 21 years old, Ronan is considered to be a prodigy as he was admitted to college at 11 years old and became the youngest college student in Bard College at Simon's Rock in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. At 16 years old, Ronan Farrow attended to law school in Yale University no less.
Ronan Farrow Son of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen
Recently, Special Representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke appointed Ronan as his team's liaison officer to non-governmental organizations working in Pakistan, humanitarian group. That's quite a feat for this 21 year old celebrity offspring. Hoolbrooke claimed that Farrow was qualified for the job as he has solid NGO experience with Save Darfur and UNICEF. To quote: "He's very qualified for the job, and has already helped explain the current situation re: Pakistani procurements to key NGOs, including a meeting he organized today with InterAction and its affiliated NGOs”. Another official snapped that "The kid is a friggin' genius". Oh well, congratulations Ronan and we hope you can do your job despite your young age. (Source. Politico)

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